Monday, 5 September 2011


When an understanding of numerals has been acquired by the students, teachers will begin to teach the process of reciting numbers in a particular order, or counting.  Gelman and Gallistel (1992) state that counting involves a number of different principles.  The most common ones are one-to-one principle, stable-order principle, cardinal principle, abstraction principle and order-irrelevance principle.  Teachers may use the following learning experiences to develop the students’ ability to count. 

One-to-one principle: When counting, only one number word is assigned to each object. 

Stable-order principle: When counting, number words are always assigned in the same order. 

Cardinal principle: Having knowledge that the last number name said describes the total quantity.

Order-irrelevance principle: When counting the number of objects in a set, the order they are counted is irrelevant, as long as each object is counted.

Abstraction principle: Students realise that numbers can be used to count anything.  

Below is a link to a website that helps students to count.
Teachers can use resources like this in their classroom to ensure learners grasp their first step in Maths and able to count at early age.  

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